Work From Home Manager

Work From Home Manager

FlexDeck Work From Home Manager is beneficial to give work from home provision to employees and keep a record of the task according to the work status.

Work From Home Manager

FlexDeck Work From Home Manager is beneficial to give work from home provision to employees and keep a record of the task according to the work status.

Work From Home Manager

Although it is beneficial in many ways for both employees and employers, it has become necessary for employers to keep their employees productive & attentive when not in the office. This will avoid any further adverse impact on the customer service.

FlexDeck Work From Home Manager is beneficial as it helps in avoiding problems related to the team’s task management. This tool provides a centralized location for keeping work records with the details such as, day, date, time, and category. An administrator handling the tasks has the feasibility to create a new work category or manage the existing categories as per the requirement. Users can upload task-related documents once they are finished working on an assignment. Next, managers or team leads can review these documents at any point in time. It helps them manage the tasks and synchronize work easily.

Another important feature of FlexDeck Work From Home manager is Cold Call management. It allows its users to do cold calls from their cell phones. These call logs are synchronized within the FlexDeck system considering the preferred time zones.


Work From Home Manager 1

Better work-life balance

Quick access to your team's work data

Easy collaboration with a team while working remotely

Work From Home Manager  2

Peers can always stay up-to-date at home

Can update work completion status & supporting documents

Access of all the cold call logs done with Work from home module

Learn More

Add / Edit Work From Home

1. Go to Menu -> Visit Tour Manager -> Add Work From Home

a. Here you can add employee name, title, date, start time, end time, work category and comment. Click on save button to add record.

2. Go to Menu -> Visit Tour Manager -> Work From Home Manage

a. Here, you can see existing added work from home details with pagination, 10 records on each page

b. To search for a specific record in the displayed list, click the search link and select the specified employee name, status, or date search filter.

c. In action button click have options for edit respective record.

3. Go to Menu -> Visit Tour Manager -> Work From Home Dashboard

a. Display total tasks, pending tasks, closed tasks and completed tasks.

b. Display graphical analysis for work from home with respective to tasks status.

In order to give work from home provision to employees, it is vital to keep a record of the task according to the work status.

It will be helpful in managing resources effectively.

Advantages Of Using FlexDeck Work From Home Manager :

➣ Keep track of work record

➣ Easy & secure data storage

➣ Increased productivity and performance

➣ Improved coworker and manager relationships

➣ Documenting employee performance