Asset/ Hardware Management Module

Asset/ Hardware Management

Asset/Hardware Management module provide platform to manage IT asset allocation.

Asset/ Hardware Management

Asset/Hardware Management module provide platform to manage IT asset allocation.

Asset/ Hardware Management

FlexDeck Asset/Hardware management involves tracking and management of physical IT components like computers, laptops, and other hardware elements and peripherals allocated to all the employees within an organization.

This monitored data is presented in the form of reports for easy reference. The allotment of assets to new employees and replacement of damaged assets can be managed effectively with this module.

Asset allotment requisitions can be generated from this module & IT team gets auto-emails on each request. This helps to communicate over new requests or to take future follow-ups on pending topics within time.

This module also helps to prepare system-generated exit forms upon employment discontinuation for asset clearance & saves a lot of manual efforts & time to make the process smoother & easier.


Asset/ Hardware Management  1

Easy monitoring of used & damaged assets

System-generated alerts on new asset requests

Comprehensive reports based on asset categories

Get the accurate data required for the costs of running your hardware

Asset/ Hardware Management  2

Manage assets as per the warranty dates

Managing warranty details of endpoint devices

Track the status of assets from the requested time until disposed

Detailed information about all your assets to reduce the cost of assets.

Learn More

Add / Edit Assets Manager

1. Go to Menu -> Assets Manager -> H/W Inventory Manager

a. Here, occupied h/w count, in stock h/w count and damaged h/w count displayed.

b. On click Occupied h/w count, it will display list of already h/w assigned record to employees. User can update or delete record on click on respective action buttons.

c. On click In stock h/w count, all the in stock list of hardware will be displayed. User can update record on click on respective action button.

d. On click on damaged h/w count, all the damaged h/w list will be displayed. User can add the damaged hardware back in stock after repaired by click on Mark In Stock button

FlexDeck Asset/Hardware management helps to govern all your hardware assets. It identifies the exact asset requirement for employees and timely follow-up with maintenance request. Hence, reduce process cost and save time.

Highlighted below are some advantages of FlexDeck Asset/ Hardware Management : -

➣ Compliance with the organization’s security and budget strategy

➣ Bring forward order in process and single point of contact for IT teams

➣ Avoid unnecessary purchases

➣ Quick filtering options

➣ Proactive planning for allotment, maintenance of hardware assets