
What Are Cookies?

When you visit a website, that site can save or retrieve information via your browser. This generally happens by means of cookies. Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make the user experience more efficient. Cookies can be stored on your device if they are absolutely necessary in order to run that website. Your permission is required for all other types of cookies.

Protecting Your Data

You cannot be identified directly based on the information stored in the cookies. However, that information can make your browsing experience more personal.

Customer Information For Cookies Used :

1. Technical – Cookies that are essential for the website to function

Technical cookies are required in order for FlexDeck website to function properly and cannot be disabled. Certain sections of our websites or desired services cannot be provided without these cookies.

2. Functional – Cookies used to store configured settings

Functional cookies are used to cache settings configured by users in the FlexDeck website. Activities on third-party websites are not tracked.