Contract Management

Contract Management module is the place where you can manage our sales contracts with system generated emails.

Contract Management

Contract Management module is the place where you can manage our sales contracts with system generated emails.


FlexDeck’s contract management tool helps businesses to centralize all the on-going, proposed and old contracts. System-generated alerts are sent to the users reminding them about the contract deadlines or renewals.

Contract management tool is useful to manage sales contracts efficiently.


Contact Management 1

Easy management of the contracts

No miss outs on important dates related to contract

Auto generated alerts for contract renewals or expirations

Contact Management 2

Documentations made easy

Quick reference material for future

Centralized locations for all ongoing, old and new contracts

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Contract management reduces the risk of missing out on important dates related to any contract such as contract renewal or expiration. Maximum manual working related to contract documentation is abridged due to contract management tool of FlexDeck.

Advantages Of Using FlexDeck Contract Management :

➣ System generated alerts

➣ Upload/store of the contract file docs securely

➣ Email notifications for planned and upcoming visits to customers

➣ Not to miss critical business moments such as renewal of contract